HTML5 Footer Tag
The Footer tag is new in HTML5, like several other tags such as the aside tag in HTML5, HTML 5 article tag, HTML 5 nav tag, etc . Only latest browsers and versions, such as Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and Safari, support it. Microsoft IE8 and earlier versions do not support this HTML5 Footer tag.
The HTML5 Footer tag defines a footer for a document or section. It typically contains the author of the document, copyright information, links to terms of use, contact information, etc. You can have more than one footer element in one document. They can be place at the bottom, top or else on your web page. They don’t necessarily have to appear at the end of a section, though they usually do.
How to use the Footer tag in HTML5?
Here is what suggested by
The footer can be used to do any number of things that include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Use it to complete what was left undone in the header and nav.
A well made header and nav section should be simple and straightforward, but simplicity can come at the cost of details – often important details. Often larger sites have links in the footer that don’t fit in the nav or if they did fit would distract visitors from more important pages.
- Unlike books, websites are seldom read from beginning to end.
Visitors often land on pages other than the home page and proceed through a site in no particular order. This means that in addition to text (that on a web page would go in the article tag) each page has to have the equivalent of a book’s title page (the header), a table of contents (the nav section), and a footer that does pretty much everything else.
- Visitors like to know the author behind a site.
The footer should include information on who you are – especially when money might change hands. People want to know all they can about who they are giving their money to.
- Include enough information in the footer so visitors have at least a general idea of what’s going on.
Many visitors to a site know absolutely nothing about the subject at hand. No one is going to waste their time searching for information that should have been clear from the beginning.
- The footer effects SEO.
Writing a good title is the most important thing you can do for SEO but a good title alone is not enough. The contents of the page, including content in the footer, should have information related to what’s in the title and description meta tag.
Important Tips about the footer tag in HTML 5:
- Contact information for the author or editor of a section belongs in an address element, possibly itself inside a footer.
- The footer element is not sectioning content; it doesn’t introduce a new section.
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